City Business . . .

Taken from the unapproved minutes of the regular meeting of City Council, City of Scobey, Montana held Tuesday, September 15, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. at City Hall. REGULAR MEETING
Mayor Danne Showers called the meeting to order with councilmen Morgan Lekvold, Scott Fishell and Paul Landeraaen present. Councilman Baker was absent. Also in attendance were PWD Steve Berreth, City Attorney BenFoslandandClerkSonya M. Southland.
Public Hearing – Mayor Showers opened the following hearings at 8:32 a.m. No comments were submitted.
1) Budget – Mayor asked for comments concerning 2020-2021 Budget - no comments; the hearing was closed at 8:34 a.m.
2) SID #18- Mayor asked for comments on SID #18; no comments; hearing was closed at 8:35 a.m.
3) SID #19 – Mayor asked for comments on SID #19 no comments; hearing was closed at 8:35 a.m.
4) Permissive Medical Levy – Mayor asked for comments for the Permissive MedicalLevy-nocomments; the hearing closed at 8:37 a.m.
Public Works Report – Alleys are done – there was an extra truck load of asphalt delivered to Scobey. Not to waste it and at no additional charge to the City allowed the alley behind the bowling alley to be asphalted...