Scobey Netters’ Season Ends On Home Hardwood

One has to give the Sc -
obey High School girls' vol - leyball team a lot of credit: they came as close as pos - sible to qualify for the East C Divisional Tournament in Sidney and Fairview starting today (Thursday, November
5) and running through Sat - urday.
District 1C, where the Spartans finished fifth place out of 12 teams during the regular season, takes the top
five teams from its confer -
ence tourney to the division - al tourney: Scobey finished in sixth place.
It didn't help when se - nior Ryleigh Backman, a presence along the net for blocking and kill-shot pur poses, was told she had to
go into a 14-day quarantine because she came in contact
with someone who tested
positive for COVID-19. She immediately called her head coach, Melissa Holum, to tell her the bad news
four hours before the Spar tans were to play the Lus-
tre Christian Lions on their home court Tuesday, Octo - ber 27, in the first round of the tourney.
Even though the Spar tans swept the Lions they
wisely weren't going to use Backman's absence as an excuse throughout the rest of the tourney, because they understand in the world of sports at any level it is, in
this case, next girl up! The win pitted the Spar - tans against fourth-seeded Fairview, with the Warriors hosting Thursday, October 29, and winning 25-18, 25- 17, 20-25, 25-23. The loss put the Spar - tans in an elimination match against the Culbertson Cow - girls, with it taking place in the Scobey School large gym Friday, October 30. The Spartans trailed
13-8 in game one, knotted it
at 13 then...