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75 Years Ago


Items taken from weekly issues 75 years ago, from the Daniels County Leader, est. 1922 (continuation of the Scobey Sentinel, est. 1912).

May 23, 2021

Memorial Day

To Be Observed–

Veteran organizations of Scobey will join May 30th in solemn observance of Memorial Day. Services at the school gymnasium, a parade and graveside tribute to the war dead will comprise the ceremonies.

Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Paus will present a plaque, containing names of six Daniels County boys killed on active duty in World War II.

An invitation has been extended to the Canadian Legion at Bengough to attend as a unit and participate in the ceremonies.

Delegation From Canada

Delays Scobey Trip– Arrangements made for delegates from Canada to gather at Scobey last week to discuss re-opening of the Carbert port of entry were postponed. Moose Jaw delegates asked for additional time to prepare data for presentation to American officials. Canadians have long favored th...