Local Harriers To Run In Frazer And Culbertson

From one big meet to another is where the Scobey cross country program had been last week and is headed to this week as the regular season hits the midway
Last week was the Scottie Invitational hosted by Glasgow High School in the Kiwanis Park area at Fort Peck, where a black-top walking path provides a fast
track for the runners.
Competing in the event were teams from Brockton, Culbertson, Custer County (Miles City), Dawson County (Glendive), Dodson, Fairview, Frazer, Frontier (Wolf Point), Glasgow, Harlem, Havre, Lewistown, Malta, MonDak (Westby-Grenora, N.D.), Nashua, Plentywood, Poplar, Richey-Lambert, Sacred Heart Parish, Scobey, Washington (Glendive), Washington (Miles City), Whitewater and Wolf
Plentywood junior Annie Kaul, the daughter of Arlin (SHS ‘89) and Judy Kaul, won her fourth straight girls’ high school race in four attempts this season. Following victories at invites in Wolf Point (19:51.4), Poplar (20:06.8) and Scobey (20:56.8), she posted a season- best 19:33.51 on Fort Peck’s fast-track black-top
Scobey freshman Mya Green (21:36.7) placed sixth, sophomore Mia Handran (22:09.45) 11th and sophomore Joy Williams (27:30.75) 41st.
Scobey’s high school boys placed seventh w...