Things, Ideas & People . . .

The Opheim Christmas Program was held Tuesday, December 21, 2021. The Littlest Reindeer, by John Jacobson and John Higgins, was presented by the pre-school through sixth grade students under the direction of Mrs. Cathy Bailey. The story tells how the “littlest reindeer” saved Santa Clause.
Cole Taylor ran the spot-light, Damien Cable ran the curtains and the sound FX and Mandy Fuhrmann was in charge of the Pre-School children.
The Scobey Masonic Lodge gave away the bicycle in their ‘Bikes for Books’ program. The winner of the Bike and helmet was Tenley Allestad. They also gave away a Kindle which was won by Dezi Landles.
The High School Choir played Rocking Aroun...