Scobey Squads Pile Up Points At District 3 Gathering In Glasgow

The Scobey Spartans piled up the points at Saturday’s District 3C Track and Field Meet in Glasgow where both the girls’ and boys' teams placed first by wide margins.
There’s a reason why: both have by far the bigger roster numbers than the other seven teams do. That’s why the champion Scobey girls out-distanced the runnersup Saco Panthers by a 211-to-115 margin to capture the first-place trophy. The Scobey boys did the same thing by way of the same reason, tallying 257 points, 152 better than the runnersup Lustre Christian Lions who scored 105.
It will be different this week as the competition becomes stronger when the East C Divisional Meet is held Wednesday, May 18, at Scottie Field in Glasgow.
Athletes from the District 2C will be providing plenty of competition when the initial field event begins at 9:30 a.m. and the first track event starts at 10:40 a.m.
Final team scores from the District 2C Meet held in Lambert last week show how much closer things were: the Plentywood girls tallied 114 points followed by Savage with 103, Circle 79, Fairview 75, Culbertson 50, Richey-Lambert 44, Froid-Lake 25, MonDak 19 and Bainville 15. For the boys, Plentywood emerged the winner with 124 points followed very closely by Richey-Lambert with 121. Next were Circle with 61, Culbertson 60, Fairview 49, Savage 39, Froid-Lake 33, Bainville 25, MonDak 15.
The top five finishers at the divisional meet this week advance to the combined Class B-C State Meet May 26-28 at Memorial Field in Great Falls.
Personal records, also known as PRs, came at a premium for the Spartans last week.
Only three Lady Spartans produced their best-ever time and distances: Payton Braut in the pole vault (7-foot-6); Lauryn Nasby, javelin (69-2); Grace Williams, 100 hurdles (21.26).
Six Scobey boys notched eight PRs in the meet: Bo Anderson, 100 (12.87); Carson Fishell, 200 (28.42); Masen Green, 3200 (11:32.49); Cooper King, shot put (30-3.25); James Landles (110/300 hurdles and 400, 20.77, 50.06 and 1:01.94 respectively); Ty Leischner, pole vault (12-6).
The Lustre Christian Lions departed Scottie Field with 10 PRs: for the ladies Rebekah Jossart, 100 (15.23) and 1,600 (6:38.74); Sara Dahl, javelin (46-9). For the boys: Elijah Lenihan 110 hurdles (21.39) and 1600 (5:37.61); Braden Ewing 100 (12.25); Naveen Pilla 300 hurdles (1:00.63); Arun Ramnarace, javelin (85-10); Sean Uy, 100 (12.25).
Perhaps the PR numbers were down a ...