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75 Years Ago


Items taken from weekly issues 75 years ago, from the Daniels County Leader, est. 1922 (continuation of the Scobey Sentinel, est. 1912).

November 27, 1947

Hospital Drive Brings In Nearly $10,000–

Solicitors in the field for the Daniels Memorial Hospital fund in a drive which started a few weeks ago have thus far brought in a total of $9,717.00. This brings the total in the fund to more than $75,000, threefifths of the way toward the $125,000 goal.

County School Census Is Less Than ‘46–

Statistics recorded by the 18 school districts in Daniels County with Mrs. Alma Shipstead, county superintendent, show a slight decrease at 1077 as the number of school age children here. The 1946 was 108...