75 Years Ago
Items taken from weekly issues 75 years ago, from the Daniels County Leader, est. 1922 (continuation of the Scobey Sentinel, est. 1912).
May 13, 1948
Moose Jaw Delegation Encourages Port Of Entry At Carbert– A group of Moose Jaw businessmen were present at the Lions meeting at which time they asked for information on what the road situation would be on this side of the line provided their province sees fit to finish 12 miles from Rock Glen south of the border in a road of graveled surface.
A blackboard was used to show how Canada’s road system can best be linked up with the U.S. by establishment of a port of entry at Carbert. If no port is established at Carbert, the development of Saskatchewan No. 2 will branch off east or west from Rock Glen. From Moose Jaw, Scobey is the closest of any U.S. point where ...