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Commissioners Proceedings

MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION-ERS OF DANIELS COUNTY, MONTANA, HELD MAY 1, 2, AND 15, 2023. REGULAR MEETING May 1, 9:00 o’clock a.m. The Board met in regular session, Commissioners Linder, Humbert and Lund were present with the clerk. The meeting was called to or-der. Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Tammi Fladager, District Court Clerk, had a comment on an agenda item. She felt the word alleged should be in front of the word constitutional on agenda item held at 2:00 p.m. Commissioner Humbert made a motion to approve the agen-da with the word alleged added to the agenda item at 2:00 p.m., Commissioner Lund seconded the motion, all present voted in favor, motion passed. Commissioner Humbert made a motion to approve April 2023 minutes. Commissioner Lund seconded the motion, all present voted in favor, motion passed. The Board approved JV# 8528. The Board reviewed the officer reports for April 2023. The Board approved payroll for April 2023. Logan Olson, County Attorney, and Tammi Fladager, District Court Clerk, were present when the Board reviewed the appli-cants for the Sheriff position. The Board set interviews for Tuesday. Commissioner Lund mentioned that Sheriff Johnson from Sher-idan County was interested in contracting the sheriff position with Daniels County during the interim period. Commissioner Lund figures that it will take a lot of effort to get the Sheriff’s Office and dispatch back up and running smoothly. Commission-ers Linder and Humbert were not in favor of contracting with Sher-idan   County. Logan Olson, County Attor-ney, brought in a copy of the new office space lease for his private practice. Kristy Jones, Clerk and Record-er, presented Resolution 2023-11, authorizing participation in Mon-tana Board of Investments Short-term investment pool. Commis-sioner Humbert made a motion to approve Resolution 2023-11, Commissioner Lund seconded the motion, all present voted in favor, motion passed. The Board gave Julia Warren, Treasurer a letter authorizing her to invest $2,000,000.00 with the Montana Board of Investments short-term investment pool. Teilor Fishell, Public Health, met with the Board regarding a possible new grant to replace the Disease Intervention Spe-cialist grant that will end June 30, 2023. This is a four-year flex spending grant through the De-partment of Public Health and Human services, Public Health Workforce Funding. It will focus on strengthening the delivery of foundational public health ser-vices. Commissioner Lund made a motion to approve Teilor ap-plying for the workforce funding grant, Commissioner Humbert seconded the motion, all present voted in favor, motion passed. The Public Health department will also be receiving $10,000 from the Department of Public Health and Human Services to complete a Strategic Plan. The strategic plan is a five-year plan in which the organizations guid-ing members will develop nec-essary and future goals for the Health Department to become more adaptable, effective a...