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Old Mother Nature Bucks Bad Weather For NRA Fair Event

Old Mother Nature  Bucks Bad Weather  For NRA Fair Event Old Mother Nature  Bucks Bad Weather  For NRA Fair Event

Oli Trick Rides For Crowd

The Northern Rodeo Association made its annual stop at the Daniels County Fair in Scobey Thursday, July 20, and got hit with a bout of beautiful weather conditions for ladies to breakaway, men to rope and the youngsters to try and bust a mutton.

There were 87 total men, women and children competing in the rodeo, with 15 of them competing in two events. The Montanans were from Archer, Bainville, Boulder, Broadus, Chinook, Circle, Clyde Park, Daleview, Deer Lodge, Flaxville, Glasgow, Glendive, Harlem, Helena, Hinsdale, Hobson, Joliet, Jordan, Kalispell, Madoc, Malta, Miles City, Peerless, Plen...