It Is Cross Country Season So Let’s Take A Tour Of Courses

ANNIE KAUL (left) of the Plentywood Wildcats and Iris McKean of the Glasgow Scotties make their way up the hill at the 2020 Poplar Invitational. Kaul is a 4-time Class C All-State selection (finishing in the top 15 at the state meet) while McKean is a 3-time allstater. Both are still running competitively at the college level: Kaul at Montana State University in Bozeman and McKean at the University of Montana in Missoula. — Leader Photo, mike
This long story began when it was not even planned to be a long story.
A few years ago while reading cross country articles in some of the weekly newspapers the Daniels County Leader swaps with — we send them our weekly edition for free each week and they send us their weekly edition for free each week - the light bulb flicked on in the old noggin. There were at the time and still are today for the most part, four cross country coaches who would include a somewhat in-depth description of the course their teams competed on the pr...