Things, Ideas & People . . .

Some big ol’ beets were raised by Karen See of Opheim, which weighed in at 2-3/4 pounds each and measured 16-1/2 inches in diameter.
According to USDA standards for processing— 1) Small. One inch to not over 2 inches in diameter. 2) Medium. Over 2 inches to not over 3 inches in diameter. 3) Large. Over 3 inches in diameter.
These guys might be a 4) Monster beets. -bb
Playing this weekend at Richardson Theatre in Scobey is “The Hill” -PG. The family friendly, feelgood, production is based on a true story with faithbased elements.
Growing up impoverished in small-town Texas, young Rickey Hill shows an extraordinary ability for hitting a baseball, despite being burdened by leg braces from a degenerative spinal disease. His stern, pastor father (DENNIS QUA...