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Annual Lutefisk

Annual Lutefisk
THE ANNUAL LUTEFISK AND TURKEY DINNER at Scobey Lutheran did not let anyone leave hungry. It was full tables, full plates, full serving dishes and full people by late afternoon on Sunday, October 29. They served 381 sit down meals and 169 take out orders! Below in the lutefisk and turkey carving room were a number of the many, many volunteers it takes to put on the annual feast. Lance and LJ Gaustad were in charge of cubing up the lutefisk and at right Chad Fishell was one of several carving the tur keys. If you didn't get enough lutefisk, the Froid Lutheran Church will be serving up a lutefisk and meatballs supper Saturday, November 4th from 4 to 7 p.m. -Leader Photos, b
Annual Lutefisk
THE ANNUAL LUTEFISK AND TURKEY DINNER at Scobey Lutheran did not let anyone leave hungry. It was full tables, full plates, full serving dishes and full people by late afternoon on Sunday, October 29. They served 381 sit down meals and 169 take out orders! Below in the lutefisk and turkey carving room were a number of the many, many volunteers it takes to put on the annual feast. Lance and LJ Gaustad were in charge of cubing up the lutefisk and at right Chad Fishell was one of several carving the tur keys. If you didn't get enough lutefisk, the Froid Lutheran Church will be serving up a lutefisk and meatballs supper Saturday, November 4th from 4 to 7 p.m. -Leader Photos, b
THE ANNUAL LUTEFISK AND TURKEY DINNER at Scobey Lutheran did not let anyone leave hungry. It was full tables, full plates, full serving dishes and full peopl...