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Plea Of Not Guilty On 111 Felony Counts


Correction and Clarification

At an initial appearance February 15 in District Court, Jennifer Leischner (formerly Cromwell) of Scobey, pleaded not guilty to 111 felony counts (not 9 counts as previously stated in the Leader). ). Stemming from her term as an employee at Nemont Telephone, she is charged with multiple alleged offenses of defrauding the company within 9 defined felonies. Present in the Daniels County Courtroom were Logan Olson, Daniels County Attorney, representing the State and defendant, Jennifer Leischner. Present via Zoom were Judge Cybulski and attorney for the defendant, Terry Toavs.

Also representing the State, as a Special Deputy County Attorney is former Assistant United States Attorney, W. Adam Duerk of Missoula. He was not present for the initial hearing.

The court was rem...