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City Business . . .


Taken from the unapproved minutes of the regular meeting of City Council, City of Scobey, Montana held Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. at City Hall.

REGULAR MEETING Mayor Morgan Lekvold called the meeting to order with council members Niki Larson, Greg Crowder, Seth AxtmanandPaulLanderaaen present. Also, in attendance were Bridget Norby, Brian French, Brian Wahl, Sheriff Clint Lowe, City Attorney Ben Fosland, and Clerk Sonya M. Southland.

Public Comment – Brian Wahl reported he was asked about preparing the irrigated land to plant, he said they could do that and reviewed the rates for equipment and man power but would like to do it while they do a demonstration on equipment. Short Line would agree to cut their rates if they could demo their equipment. The city will ask the landowner. Brian stated April 9th is the scheduled day for the demonstration.

Zoning Administrator Report – There is a scheduled zoning meeting March 13, 2024.

Sheriff Report – Sheriff Lowe reported there was 56 total calls received in the month of Feb. including 6 calls for service of legal papers and 5 calls for probation. Asfarasdeputies–twoaward letters have been sent out, with no response yet. Sheriff Lowe asked if two deputies are hired will that effect the proposed MOU (memorandum of understanding), to hire a part time record keeper.
