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Nemont’s 74th - Communication Co. Continues To Evolve With Great Results

Communication Co.  Continues To Evolve  With Great Results
NEMONT TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC. held its 74th annual meeting Thursday, June 6, in its large garage on the Nemont campus on the south end of Scobey. Attendance was at 167 people, which is double from last year’s tally. Shown seated at the head table are the Nemont Board of Directors: from left, Nemont CEO/ General Manager Mike Kilgore; District 1 Board Member Adam Carney of Scobey; District 3 Board Member and Vice President Jeff Pattison of Glasgow; District 2 President Tracy O’Connor (standing) of Poplar; District 2 Secretary/Treasurer Mark Nelson of Culbertson; District 3 board member Gail Fast of Glasgow; District 1 board member Tyler Young of Plentywood. Below, Asher Boze of Scobey performs the Star Spangled Banner, and performed it exceptionallywell. — LeaderPhotos, mike
Communication Co.  Continues To Evolve  With Great Results
NEMONT TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC. held its 74th annual meeting Thursday, June 6, in its large garage on the Nemont campus on the south end of Scobey. Attendance was at 167 people, which is double from last year’s tally. Shown seated at the head table are the Nemont Board of Directors: from left, Nemont CEO/ General Manager Mike Kilgore; District 1 Board Member Adam Carney of Scobey; District 3 Board Member and Vice President Jeff Pattison of Glasgow; District 2 President Tracy O’Connor (standing) of Poplar; District 2 Secretary/Treasurer Mark Nelson of Culbertson; District 3 board member Gail Fast of Glasgow; District 1 board member Tyler Young of Plentywood. Below, Asher Boze of Scobey performs the Star Spangled Banner, and performed it exceptionallywell. — LeaderPhotos, mike

Nemont’s 74th

Nemont Telephone Cooperative, Inc., which is headquartered in Scobey, conducted its 74th Annual Meeting Thursday, June 5, and the great news was attendance by the public more than doubled from the 73rd held 2023. There were 167 people attending last week’s annual meeting, which was held in the very spacious large garage.

“It’s encouraging to see more folks here this year,” Nemont Chief Executive Officer Mike Kilgore told the large gathering.

President Tracy O'Connor of Poplar called the meeting to order shortly after 4 p.m. followed by Reverend Charles Kelly giving the invocation.

O'Connor then announced the local Scobey Cub Scouts of America to present and post the colors.

After Asher Boze beautifully sang the Star Spang...