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Another Great Year For Scobey Lions Club: April 2023-24


WhathastheScobeyLions Club been up to over the past year? Plenty!

•Sponsoredandconducted 18th annual Scobey Lil' Roar Youth Basketball Tournament April 15-16, 2023 at the Scobey School, featuring 42 teams playing 68 games.

• Picked garbage from the ditches of Highway #13 from the Scobey city limits to two miles south in May.

• Conducted its annual Easter Egg Hunt for the children of the area, held in the Scobey School gymnasiums due to Roseland Park being covered with snow.

• The Lions conducted their annual fireworks dis play at the Daniels County Fairgrounds on July 4.

• Sold concessions at its Lions Club booth under the grandstand at the 69th annual Daniels County Fair, serving soda pop, candy, popcorn and sno-cones.

• Donated $300 to the Daniels County Fair Association for fair-booth use.

• Helpe...