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FWP Requests You be on the Lookout For Greater Short-Horned Lizards

FWP Requests You be on the Lookout For  Greater Short-Horned Lizards FWP Requests You be on the Lookout For  Greater Short-Horned Lizards

As you are hiking and exploring Montana this spring and summer, be sure to take a break from scanning the horizon and look down at the ground once in a while.

Not only will this help you avoid stepping on a cactus or a rattlesnake, but you might also see one of eastern Montana’s rarely seen critters… the greater short-horned lizard, commonly known as a “horny toad.” If you do, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks would like to know about it.

The greater short- horned lizard, Phrynosoma hernandesi, was once considered the second most abundant reptile along the Missouri River in Montana in the late 19th ...