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When Holes Are Bigger, Scores Get Much Lower

When Holes Are  Bigger, Scores  Get Much Lower
THIS IS WHY it is called the Big Hole Tournament, which was held Saturday, June 15, at the Scobey Golf Course. The top photo is the regular hole used in the game of golf while the bottom photo shows the big difference. —Leader Photos, mike
When Holes Are  Bigger, Scores  Get Much Lower
THIS IS WHY it is called the Big Hole Tournament, which was held Saturday, June 15, at the Scobey Golf Course. The top photo is the regular hole used in the game of golf while the bottom photo shows the big difference. —Leader Photos, mike

The holes were bigger making long putts fall into the cup more often Saturday, June 15, at the Scobey Golf Course when the Big Hole Tournament was conducted.

The team of Billy Allestad, Taylor Hanks, Jed Kirkland and Ty Nelson claimed the championship with a 21-under-par 51.

Taking second was the quartet of Cha...