Legion Baseball For Scobey Boys Still Exists But It’s Based In Froid

Take me out to the Bulls’ game Take me out for some fun I’ll watch Alex, Coop & Ty play I don’t care whatever the day
The history of baseball runs deep in Daniels County, starting with the Chicago Black Sox controversy over a century ago when two of those players made a short pitstop in Scobey.
Then there were the Doc Norman days, when the coach led the Scobey Blues American Legion teams to multiple state championships.
Following decades of success the unheard of happened: the Blues shut down operations in 2003 following an 0-29 overall season record. Legion Baseball was done in Scobey.
Or was it? The program was resuscitated in 2016 with Head Coach Chuck Nelson leading the way. On Monday, May 30, the locals hosted the Havre North Stars in a Memorial Day doubleheader. The Blues posted a 20-16 overall record, which is very good considering the program was inactive for 13 years.
Nelson had to move away from Daniels County and Josh Rustad became the head coach.
The Blues carved out a 9-15 overall record in 2017, ending the season with a 4-game winning streak. Following were 12-16 and 9-7 overall records in the 2018 and 2019 seasons, respectively.
Then the program was done again, with the 4-season comeback equating into a 50-54 (.480) overall record.
Five baseball seasons later the Scobey Blues are still on the shelf waiting for the next comeback attempt, as is the Babe Ruth program for those ages 13-15.
However, it doesn’t mean Scobey kids wanting to play American Legion baseball don’t have the opportunity, because they do, and three young men are taking full advantage of such an opportunity this 2024 season.
Cooper King, Tyler Leischner and Alex Moreno, all of them graduating from Scobey High School 25 days ago from today’s publication date of June 20, are on the roster of the Froid Bulls.
This is one of the more interesting baseball teams around these parts, a who...