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Things, Ideas & People . . .

Things, Ideas & People . . .
A DOCUMENTARY "BOMBS TO BOOZE" highlighting the possibilities of transitioning from the military to the everyday world will be shown at Richardson Theatre, Saturday, July 13 at 4 p.m. Freewill admission will be donated to the local Legion and VFW organizations. The documentary focuses on 1992 Scobey graduate, Mike Girard (above) who served in Iraq and Afghanistan as an Army Explo sive Ordnance Disposal Technician, and his path to opening a Colorado moonshine distillery and advocating for Veterans’ mental health. Mike's goals and actions are directed in moving beyond suicide awarenesses and providing the actual resources our warriors and their families need to improve mental health.
Things, Ideas & People . . .
A DOCUMENTARY "BOMBS TO BOOZE" highlighting the possibilities of transitioning from the military to the everyday world will be shown at Richardson Theatre, Saturday, July 13 at 4 p.m. Freewill admission will be donated to the local Legion and VFW organizations. The documentary focuses on 1992 Scobey graduate, Mike Girard (above) who served in Iraq and Afghanistan as an Army Explo sive Ordnance Disposal Technician, and his path to opening a Colorado moonshine distillery and advocating for Veterans’ mental health. Mike's goals and actions are directed in moving beyond suicide awarenesses and providing the actual resources our warriors and their families need to improve mental health.


The four assets used by the wealthiest legacies that have proven to maintain value throughout their histories are land (real estate), diamonds, fine art and precious metals (mainly gold).


Some people always say Barry Gibb is the last living family member of the very successful musical group the Bee Gees. That is not true. Yes, brother Andy Gibb was the first to die followed by Maurice (pronounced Morris) and then Robin. But the oldest sibling of the family is Leslie, the only girl of parents Hugh and Barbara Gibb. When Robin temporarily left the band in the early 1970s while having a di...