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Things, Ideas & People . . .

Things, Ideas & People . . .
DANIELS COUNTY 4-H MEMBERS, Sandra and Hazel Sones of Scobey, attended the 48th Annual Montana Range Days event on June 24-26 in Miles City. At Montana Range Days, youth and adults of all ages gather for three days to celebrate and learn more about our rangelands, including plant identification, soils, ecology, rangeland inventory, and management tools and techniques. Tours of local operations showcase natural resource management. This year's tours included the Knowlton Fire Mitigation and USDA-ARS Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Laboratory. Contests allow participants to test their knowledge and earn prizes and other awards including scholarships. Sandra and Hazel received the second place Youth Team Award. Sandra received the sixth place Open Youth High Point Individual Award, and Hazel received the second place Greenhand High Point Individual Award. —Extension Photo
Things, Ideas & People . . .
DANIELS COUNTY 4-H MEMBERS, Sandra and Hazel Sones of Scobey, attended the 48th Annual Montana Range Days event on June 24-26 in Miles City. At Montana Range Days, youth and adults of all ages gather for three days to celebrate and learn more about our rangelands, including plant identification, soils, ecology, rangeland inventory, and management tools and techniques. Tours of local operations showcase natural resource management. This year's tours included the Knowlton Fire Mitigation and USDA-ARS Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Laboratory. Contests allow participants to test their knowledge and earn prizes and other awards including scholarships. Sandra and Hazel received the second place Youth Team Award. Sandra received the sixth place Open Youth High Point Individual Award, and Hazel received the second place Greenhand High Point Individual Award. —Extension Photo

From white to yellow and back to white.

From its inception 103 and one-half years ago the Daniels County Leader newspaper started out as a white-paper-colored newspaper. The Thursday, May 26, 1983 issue was the last white-newsprint edition (the first time around) as the next week the Thursday, June 2, 1983 edition was printed on the yellow newsprint, the reason being black ink on yellow paper was easier to read than black on white.

The next transition of the color of the newsprint occurred in 2016. The last Daniels County Leader printed on yellow newsprint was the Thursday, March 10, 2016 issue. The next issue, on Thursday, March 17, 2016, was printed on the white newsprint Leader readers see today.

The reason for the switch bac...