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City Business . . .


Taken from the unapproved minutes of the regular meeting of City Council, City of Scobey, Montana held Tuesday, July 2 and 9, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. at City Hall.

SPECIAL MEETING July 2, 2024 Mayor Morgan Lekvold called the meeting to order with council members Niki Larson, Seth Axtman, Brian French and Greg Crowder present. Also, in attendance wereFireChiefWyattWilder, PWDSteveBerrethandClerk Sonya M. Southland.

Public Works Report – PWD Berreth reported the City Crew will deliver the street closure signs when and where needed if approvals are granted.

CouncilComment–Councilman Axtman spoke with Eric Linder about encroachments concerns if the City proceeds with the street project on 3rd Ave - a tree may have to be removed for the project at the City expense.

Mayor Lekvold reported on happenings planned for next summer for the allclass reunion. They want to close Main Street and do the firework show on Saturday June 28, 2025. The are also considering changing the location of the fireworks show. Councilman French asked if the pool will be open on the 4th–MayorLekvoldreported yes there will be normal pool hours at least during the day.

Street Cl...