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Things, Ideas & People . . .


We read what might have been a tongue-in-cheek piece about the Tesla gigafactory in Germany the other day. Staff and administration were heatedly discussing unionization efforts by the workers. During the meeting, the plant manager said the thievery needs to stop. He has ordered over 65,000 coffee mugs for the factory, where about 12,000 people are employed. That equates to about 77 mug thefts daily since opening in March of 2022.

The manager said he is tired of placing orders for more coffee mugs and if the stealing does not stop, he will take away the cutlery in the break rooms!

The mug discussion either brightened the mood in the meeting as employees laughed and joked about the seriousness of the situation, or they were just showing great disrespect. Regardless, that’s a lot of mugs, especially for those of us who have much smaller staff and more meager means to...