Fladager, Gitter, Hardy, Kilgore Victorious By 2.38 Net Strokes

The weather cooperated with the 23rd annual Daniels Memorial Healthcare Center & Foundation Golf Classic over the weekend while the golf Gods cooperated with Ross Fladager, Jon Gitter, Greg Hardy and Mike Kilgore.
Representing the Scobey Golf Club, the foursome churned out a net score of 50.08, which was 21.92 net strokes below the par of 72. For their efforts they earned the first-place-team money of$1000.
Two-point-38 net strokes behind in the runnersup spot with a 52.46, also representing the Scobey Golf Club, were Mason Crocker, Owen Fishell, Scott Fishell and Eric Linder, who split up $800 in prize money.
Third place, which paid out $700, was occupied by three Scobey Golf Clubbers in Drew Baldry, Chase Buer and Chance Wilson and Thomas O’Toole of the Briarwood Golf Club in Billings. They finished a mere .13 of a ne...