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City Business . . .


Taken from the unapproved minutes of the regular meeting of City Council, City of Scobey, Montana held Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. at City Hall.

REGULAR MEETING Mayor Morgan Lekvold called the meeting to order with council members Seth Axtman, Niki Larson, Greg Crowder and Brian French present. Also, in attendance wereTammiFladager,Sheriff Clint Lowe, City Attorney Ben Fosland, PWD Steve Berreth and Clerk Sonya M. Southland.

Public Comment – reviewed written correspondence, Jarod Wilson submitted a concern about gravel streets and noted if gravel streets cannot be paved due to funding restrictions, he suggested to remove all gravel from streets, stating it is hard to maneuver his chair on the gravel. At this time, City has no plans to pave all the gravel streets or remove gravel from those streets but they will consider researching for any ADA funding to improve accessibility.

Pool Manager Report – PWD Steve Berreth reported the pool will close for the season August 25. It was an uneventful season other than a few times when the power went out, the pumps were not turned back on, causing few issues like chlorine levels off.

Public Works Report t – PWD Berreth suggested we look at purchasing the easement to the pivot – PWD doesn’t feel city should have to give 24-hour notice to access the land the pivot sits on. City Attorney Fosland stated this was in the terms negotiated.

A resident on outskirts of town asked...