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Hospital Board Meeting Notes

  Daniels Memorial Healthcare Center held its regular Board of Directors meeting, August 26, 2024 at 6 p.m. in the Hospital conference room. The unapproved minutes in part include: Members Present: Jack Pittenger, Kody Brinton, Cliff Hames, Tanner Trower, Mike Bjarko, Wyatt Wilder, Arlene, Kymber Carney, Kim Zink, Pat McConnell, Jennifer Marsh, Tana Nelson, Wendy Dahl, Koby May Jack Pittenger called the meeting to order. Dietary Dept Update - Tana Nelson, Dietary Manager, gave the dietary update. The dietary department provides meals for its patients, long-term care residents and is available to employees three times a day. On a monthly basis, the dietary department is reviewed by a registered dietician to assess patient and resident records to assure the dietary protocols are being achieved. Twice a year, the County Health Inspector assesses the dietary department. Since February 2016, the dietary department had no violations with either agency. DMHC dietary is also part of the state survey with DPHHS and the CAH survey with CMS, again reporting no concerns and are within compliance. DMHC has contracted with Grove Meals, a web-based menu planning ...