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VOLLEYBALL—Tistheseason,whichmeans it is time to understand the lingo: The Montana High School Association 2024 girls’ volleyball season got underway a little while ago, meaning it is the perfect time for all fans to brush up on the language of the sport. Assist: A pass to a teammate resulting in a kill. Attack: Hitting the ball into an opponent’s court in an attempt to score or earn a side-out. Block: A play by one or more players who attempt to intercept the ball over or near the net with two hands. Dig: To pass an attacked ball to a teammate. Hitting error: An attack that results in a loss of possession. May come about as a result of, among other things, hitting the ball out of bounds, into a block, or into the net. Kill: An attack that lands on an opponent’s court for a point or sideout. Libero: A defensive specialist who can substitute in for any back row player but cannot serve. She wears a differen...