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Things, Ideas & People . . .


Assumption, the big one of all mess ups. The caption in last week’s issue in the Things, Ideas & People section on page 2 below the photo of Scobey Activities Director Lucas Knight transporting a little girl off the field was incorrect. I just assumed the little one was the daughter of the game official because he was holding her in his arms when I first saw the in cident because I didn't even see her run on the field because I was jotting down notes. That assumption was wrong. Her name is Aurora, the daughter of J.D.

Manternach and Ashley Saylor of Scobey and apparently she wanted to get in the game after slipping out of a relative’s grasp. Although no harm was intentionally done with the assumption, it’s a very good idea to think before saying or writing something you are absolutely not sure of, which I am guilty of in this instance. It’s something to think strongly about, because next time me, you or whoever could strongly embarrass o...