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FFA Livestock & Vet Teams Will Compete At State

FFA Livestock &  Vet Teams Will  Compete At State
Top left, J’Ann Bilbrey and Kadence Oie working on breed and parasite identifications. Brooklyn Hughes (top right) and Ainsley Berryhill (above) are demonstrating how to swab a lesion and how to collect a sample.
FFA Livestock &  Vet Teams Will  Compete At State
Top left, J’Ann Bilbrey and Kadence Oie working on breed and parasite identifications. Brooklyn Hughes (top right) and Ainsley Berryhill (above) are demonstrating how to swab a lesion and how to collect a sample.

September 30th the Scobey FFA Chapter had the opportunity to compete in the Big Muddy District Livestock Evaluation and Vet Science competitions in Culbertson.

It was a successful trip with both teams qualifying for the state competitions next spring...