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NOTICE CI-126, 127, 128

The following is the complete text of Constitutional Initiatives No. 126, No. 127, and No. 128, which will be submitted to the voters of the state of Montana at the November 5, 2024, General Election. The text is being published per the requirement of 13-27-311, Montana Code Annotated.

THE COMPLETE TEXT OF CONSTITUTIONAL INITIATIVE NO. 126 (CI-126) BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MONTANA: NEW SECTION. Section 1. Article IV of The Constitution of the State of Montana is amended by adding a new section 9 that reads: Section 9. Top-four primary election for certain offices. (1) As used in this section, the term “covered office” means the office of governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, auditor, attorney general, superintendent of public instruction, state representative, state senator, United States representative, United States senator, and other offices as provided by law.

(2) The election for a covered office must consist of a primary election followed by a general election in which each of the four candidates for a covered office who receive the most votes in the primary election, and only those candidates, shall appear on the general election ballot.

(3) In an election for a covered office, the following conditions apply: (a) All candidates, regardless of political party preference, affiliation, nomination or lack of political party preference, affiliation, or nomination shall appear on the same primary election ballot separated by office.
