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City Business . . .


Taken in part from the unapproved minutes of the regularmeetingofCityCouncil, City of Scobey, Montana held Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. at City Hall. REGULAR MEETING Mayor Morgan Lekvold called the meeting to order with council members Seth Axtman, Niki Larson, Greg Crowder, and Brian French present. Also, in attendance were Sheriff Lowe, TAC Officer Shauna Lowe, City Attorney Ben Fosland, PWD Steve Berreth and Clerk Sonya M. Southland.

Open Bids City Shop Upgrades and Landscaping – Mayor Lekvold opened the only bid submitted by Leibrand Construction in the amount of $112,773.90 with a quote from Mr. Wire Electric of $24,750.99 for a total of $137,524.89.

Open BidsLease Hay Land – Two bids submitted. Mayor Lekvold opened the first one from Scott Susag for a total of $3,404.00 annually for a five-year lease and the second bid opened was from Farver Corp. for a total of $4,800.00 annually for a five-year lease with a reduced rate for the first two years.

Public Comment –Shauna Lowe speaking as public, I keep getting approached by the public everywhere about the vagrancy situation and she wants to know what the city is going to do about it? It is becoming quite a problem and very concerning for him and the dogs, it seems to becoming a sanitary situation. She feels like the city needs to push for a solution. Councilman Axtman stated he feels this is not a City issue but it is a Law Enforcement issue, if the City does not have any ordinances dealing with vagrancy then the Sheriff should refer to State Laws. Sheriff Lowe said he will address this under the Sheriffs comment. Mayor Lekvold explained the community does care and there are people including the Sheriff’s Office, the County Attorney and the City Attorney pursuing a solution, noting we cannot force an individual into any facility. If there was an easy solution this situation would have been dealt with already.

Public Works Report – •PWD Be...