Scobey Boys Keep Perfect Mark Intact With Win Over Wolves
Go To Frazer Friday, Host Mavs Saturday
Nobody on the Scobey varsity boys’ basketball team was ready to push the panic button just yet when Wolf Point’s 6-foot-5 sophomore Zandon Calder netted a couple of interior buckets for a quick 4-0 advantage.
It was still there to push when 6-foot-1 junior Richard Campbell swished a 19-footer from the left baseline for a 6-0 gap.
By the time almost three minutes of game clock disappeared on the scoreboard, sophomore Kolten Machart decided enough is enough, finding a way to net a field goal to close within four on the late afternoon of Saturday, January 4, 2025.
From there the Spartans outscored the visiting Class B Wolves 68-20 the rest of the way for a 70-26 win, Scobey’s sixth triumph in as many games.
There is a reason the Spartans (2-0 3C, 6-0 overall, 414-196, 69.0-32.6) were ranked fifth in Class C in the initial 406mtsports. com power poll of the season, and that 32.6 average on defense has much to do with it (see Sports Stuff on page 7 for both the Class C girls’ and boys’ power polls).
Twenty-five seconds later John Carney—Surprise! Surprise!—swished a three-point field goal to close within one point and Cam Cromwell’s pair of free throws at the 4:08 mark ...