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Flasville Local Development . . .

Flasville Local Development . . .
FLAXVILLE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT CORP (LDC) held smear (aka pitch) parties for three Sundays in February. Everyone had such a good time they decided to have another card party last weekend and voted to have another this coming weekend. The $8 entry fee which includes supper makes it a great buy and at the same time promote good fellowship and promote and assist the development corporation. Everyone is welcome. Cards fly at 1:30 p.m., Sunday March 9 in the Flaxville Lutheran Church basement. —Felix Gilbertson photo
Flasville Local Development . . .
FLAXVILLE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT CORP (LDC) held smear (aka pitch) parties for three Sundays in February. Everyone had such a good time they decided to have another card party last weekend and voted to have another this coming weekend. The $8 entry fee which includes supper makes it a great buy and at the same time promote good fellowship and promote and assist the development corporation. Everyone is welcome. Cards fly at 1:30 p.m., Sunday March 9 in the Flaxville Lutheran Church basement. —Felix Gilbertson photo
FLAXVILLE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT CORP (LDC) held smear (aka pitch) parties for three Sundays in February....