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FIRST PLACE in the Open ….

FIRST PLACE in the Open …. FIRST PLACE in the Open ….

FIRST PLACE in the Open Class of last weekend’s Scobey Booster Club’s Coyote Derby was the team of, from left, Cooper Gaustad of Billings and Dakota Gaustad and Chase Thompson, both of Scobey, who brought in 15 ‘yotes. — Leader Photos, mike

FIRST PLACE in the Calling Class during the Coyote Derby sponsored by the Scobey Booster Club last weekend was the team of, from left, Pat Hardy of Fairview, Greg Hardy of Scobey and Ty Hurley of Fairview. They hunted down nine coyotes for their final score.

HERE’S THE DEAL, GO OUT AND GET COYOTES! — The Scobey Booster Club’s Coyote Derby gathered in Ban...