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Montana BPA State Leadership Conference

Montana BPA  State Leadership  Conference
BPA MEMBERS FROM SCOBEY that attended the State Leadership Conference in Billings were (pictured left to right) Grace Williams, Olivia Leininger, Mya Green, Kazee Trower, Hadley Maher, Ainsley Berryhill and Ashtynn Fladager. Unable to attend the awards ceremony and not pictured were Asher Boze, Chloe Handran, McKenna Nieskens and Ava Stentoft.— Photo by BPA Advisor Annette Thievin.
Montana BPA  State Leadership  Conference
BPA MEMBERS FROM SCOBEY that attended the State Leadership Conference in Billings were (pictured left to right) Grace Williams, Olivia Leininger, Mya Green, Kazee Trower, Hadley Maher, Ainsley Berryhill and Ashtynn Fladager. Unable to attend the awards ceremony and not pictured were Asher Boze, Chloe Handran, McKenna Nieskens and Ava Stentoft.— Photo by BPA Advisor Annette Thievin.

The 2025 Montana BPA (Business Professionals of America) State Leadership Conference was held in Billings on March 9-11. One thousand two hundred and ninety (1,290) students and local chapter advisors from the middle level and secondary level attended in a spirit of friendshipandgoodwill. BPA MontanaAssociation assisted the members through participation in the areas of competitive events, l...