Scobey Golfers Jam-Pack Six Meets In 9 Days!
The Montana high school sports season usually taking its good old time starting took its good old time starting in 2021.
That would be golf.
The initial meet of the season, the Froid-Lake Invitational at the Plentywood Golf Course, was scheduled for Saturday, April 10. It was a no-go.
The Poplar Invitational at Airport Golf Course was originally set for Friday, April 16. It finally teed off a week later on the 23rd.
The Wolf Point Invitational was scheduled for Saturday, April 17. It was played a dozen days later on the 29th.
The Richey-Lambert Invite was to go Tuesday the 20th.
It was played seven days later.
Long story short, the Scobey Spartans just jampacked six meets into a 9-day stretch!
The local prep golfers did Poplar on the 23rd, the Wibaux Invite in Glendive the 26th, the Richey-Lambert Invite in Sidney the 27th, the Wolf Point Invite the 29th, the Gl...