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Aug. 31, 2021 I would like to acknowledge everyone who attended the Catholic rummage sale in August. The reason is because money made from the rummage sale, in part, goes to the Daniels County Cancer Coalition. Funds donated to the Daniels County Cancer Coalition in turn get gifted to families in need to supplement the cost of travel for chemotherapy treatments, radiation or other doctor visits and hotel stays. It is also used to fund various cancer screenings and research. I was blessed to be one such recipient.

On October 29th of 2020 I had a routine mammogram at Daniels Memorial Healthcare. Boyce Urdahl checked me in for my appointment. A few days later FNP Deanna Ferestad called to notify me that I needed to go on to a high resolution mammogram, so a week later I was in Glasgow. The radiologist there then gave me the ne...