Proceedings . . .
lution 2020-10, Commissioner Humbert seconded the motion, all present voted in favor, motion passed.
Craig Miller, Road Supervisor, met with the Board to discuss the county's responsibility to fix or
make private approaches from county roads onto private roads. The Board determined that it is not the county’s responsibility to fix private approaches.
Lee Hinkley, Ambulance, met with the Board to discuss delinquent ambulance accounts.
The Board reviewed the final
proposal from ARCA Search to digitize the Commissioner’s minutes. Commissioner Lund made a motion to sign the proposal, Commissioner Humbert seconded the motion, all present voted in favor, motion passed.
Tom Loftsgaard met with the Board by phone, regarding his mail box.
The Board recessed for lunch.
The Board reconvened after lunch, Commissioner Linder and Commissioner Humbert and Commissioner Lund were present with the clerk.
Clifford Hames was present to observe the meeting The Board approved claims dated August 31, 2020.
Upon motion, meeting was adjourned.
September 21, 9 o’clock a.m.