FISHING — Great news for those who dip a line in the water: The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks reports about 29.8 million walleye fry were stocked in Fort Peck Reservoir in June 2022 with another one million fry going into the Tongue River in the southeast corner of the state. In addition to those figures roughly 3.2 million fingerlings from the Fort Peck and Miles City hatcheries have been released into 17 bodies of water this summer. The fish stockings are the result of the successful annual walleye spawn egg-take on Fort Peck Reservoir inApril. With the help of FWP personnel and 58 volunteers, this year's egg collection goals were exceeded. A total of 2,796 wall eye were captured in trap nets with approximately 96 million eggs collected. This is the first time in the last three seasons, due to health concerns, that volunteers were able to help. Roughly 51 million eggs remained at the Fort Peck Multi-Species Fish Hatc...