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Local Government Study Townhall Well Attended

Local Government Study Townhall Well Attended
DAN CLARK kept the townhall meeting interesting and fielded many questions concerning the ballot measure in 2024 giving the opportunity to each city and county to consider funding a study commission on the structure of local government. He covered pros and cons of differ-ent types of government and with the changing legisla-tive and governing policies, it might be a good time to at least study what is available. The meeting was not about consolidation of city/county but rather what the options are for each. Those who missed it missed a good meet-ing but can watch it in its entirety on Nemont.TV stream-ing for free (under community events).
Local Government Study Townhall Well Attended
DAN CLARK kept the townhall meeting interesting and fielded many questions concerning the ballot measure in 2024 giving the opportunity to each city and county to consider funding a study commission on the structure of local government. He covered pros and cons of differ-ent types of government and with the changing legisla-tive and governing policies, it might be a good time to at least study what is available. The meeting was not about consolidation of city/county but rather what the options are for each. Those who missed it missed a good meet-ing but can watch it in its entirety on Nemont.TV stream-ing for free (under community events).
On the evening of May 31, about 30 people gathered to listen to Dan Clark of the MSU Local Government Center regarding the 2024 ballot measure. Every 10 years, Montana’s constitution mandates that counties give voters the opportunity to study the structure of our local government to determine if it is best serving their needs. The combined annual tax-payers’ dollars spent between Daniels County and the City of Scobey are approximately $7 million dollars.As Tammi Fladager noted in her open-ing remarks, “As a business owner, you need to review your business plan to ensure your business is headed in the right direction. This allows you to make good decisions going forward. Knowledge is power.” The ballot initiative will be on the primary election of 2024 in June. This will ask voters if they want to approve a mill levy to fund a study of the structure of the county government. The voters ...