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Scobey Girls Set Tone With First Place Showing


They’re off and running! The Scobey High School and junior high cross country teams endured their first dose of competition Friday, August 25, while competing in the Wolf Point Invitational.

Held at the Airport Golf Course a few miles east of the city, the Scobey girls competed their way to a first-place finish with 33 points, nine better than runnersup Poplar.

Mya Green (1st), Mia Handran (2nd), Kazee Trower (8th) and Taizah Hersel (9th) all finished strong in the season opener.

For the Scobey boys, who placed fourth with 98 points, Kaz Holum was the top finisher with a 14thplace showing in 21:00.64.

In the junior high races the younger Spartans placed fourth in the girls race with Brooklyn Hughes placing ninth in 11:09.01. For the Scobey boys, who did not post a team score, Delbert Sones was the top Spartan runner with an 11th place finish, approximately one minute and...