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Healthcare Foundation Donates Trauma Bed

Healthcare Foundation  Donates Trauma Bed
DANIELS MEMORIAL HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION recently purchased this new, $7,200 emergency room trauma bed, funded largely through its annual Celebration of Lights program. It’s now in use at Daniels Memorial Healthcare Center in Scobey. Nurses from various DMHC’s departments are pictured with the new equipment: Keri Johnson, RN; Carleen Machart, RN; Delia Fjeld, RN; and Jessica Winge-Petersen, RN.
Healthcare Foundation  Donates Trauma Bed
DANIELS MEMORIAL HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION recently purchased this new, $7,200 emergency room trauma bed, funded largely through its annual Celebration of Lights program. It’s now in use at Daniels Memorial Healthcare Center in Scobey. Nurses from various DMHC’s departments are pictured with the new equipment: Keri Johnson, RN; Carleen Machart, RN; Delia Fjeld, RN; and Jessica Winge-Petersen, RN.

Glowing large Christmas lights and colorful tags were hung on the hedge outside of the Daniels Memorial Healthcare Center (DMHC) throughout last November and December. They symbolized the remembrance of loved ones within the DanielsMemorialHealthcare Foundation’s annual 2023 Celebration of Lights.

It is through this tribute event of sharing and generosity that the foundation can assist DMHC with enhancing the quality of patient care in our rural community. The holiday ev...