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Reid Wins High Point, Harper Comes Close

Reid Wins High Point,  Harper Comes Close
SCOBEY STINGRAYS IN RECENT ACTION from the season-opening Plentywood Swim Meet includes Easton Fladager (above) and Baylor Berryhill (foreground below) and Harper Hansen (left of Baylor). — Photos by Daniell Fladager (top) and mike (below)
Reid Wins High Point,  Harper Comes Close
SCOBEY STINGRAYS IN RECENT ACTION from the season-opening Plentywood Swim Meet includes Easton Fladager (above) and Baylor Berryhill (foreground below) and Harper Hansen (left of Baylor). — Photos by Daniell Fladager (top) and mike (below)

The Scobey Stingrays competed in their second Montana Federation of Swimmers regular season meet last week in the Chinook pool, placing fifth as a team.

Scobey was represented by 17 swimmers.

Thirteen-year-old Reid Cromwell was a High-Point Winner for the ‘Rays by winning twice and placing second once for 40 out of a possible 42 points.

Eight-year-old Harper Hansen matched Cromwell’s point total of 42 with a pair of first-place finishes and a second but just missed a high-point award.

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