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Mike Thievin Is New Daniels County Commissioner

At the Daniels County Commissioners meeting on Monday, the Daniels County Republican Central Committee presented three names to select one appointment as the new Daniels County Commissioner. The vacancy in Daniels County Commissioner District #1 arose following the recent death of Commissioner Lee Humbert.

The three submitted by the Central Committee were Liana Handran, Matt Stentoft, and Mike Thievin. All were contacted during the meeting and agreed to interview for the position with Commissioners Mikel Lund and Gary Linder. Two interviews were set for Monday this week, and one was scheduled for Tuesday afternoon after press time.

Mike Thievin was appointed Tuesday afternoon, July 2 and will fill out the remainder of this year but he chooses, will have to file for the general election in order  to finish the 2025-26 balance of Humbert’s term. He will be sworn in at the July 15th meeting.

See updated Local Government Study three have now filed to serve on the county study commission.