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Update! Local Govt. Study Filing Deadline Is Aug. 12

Daniels County voters, City of Scobey voters, and Town of Flaxville voters recently approved providing funds to conduct local government studies in each of the above.

Three members are needed for each of the three studies, making a total of nine if all three entities follow through with conducting the government reviews.

Tell Wilson, Trevor Manternach, Joan Bjarko and Marla Gray have filed to run for the county government review board.

None have filed for Scobey or Flaxville as of this writing at noon on Wednesday, July 3

The names of those filing will appear on the general election ballot. Top three with the most votes will be on the study commission.

In order to conduct a study, at least three people must file. For example, if only two file in the City of Scobey and at least three file for the county, the county will be able to conduct a review/ study, but the city would not.

The deadline to file is 5 p.m., Monday, August 12.