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Flaxville Water Main Project Moving Along

Flaxville Water  Main Project  Moving Along
FLAXVILLE TOWN COUNCIL held a water rate increase hearing on Monday, July 8 where it approved new rate increases starting August 1. Greg Lukasik of Great West Engineering conducted the meeting providing information and answering questions to the ten town residents attending the meeting.
Flaxville Water  Main Project  Moving Along
FLAXVILLE TOWN COUNCIL held a water rate increase hearing on Monday, July 8 where it approved new rate increases starting August 1. Greg Lukasik of Great West Engineering conducted the meeting providing information and answering questions to the ten town residents attending the meeting.

Monday this week Flaxville Town Council approved a water rate increase to assist in the replacement of water mains, which is nearing completion— paying loans, and for maintenance of its water system.

The new base rate will go from $64 to $105, a $41 per month increase. Unchanged, this includes the use of 1,000 gallons of water per month.

The usage rate will continue to be $4.85 per 1,000 gallons ...