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Hospital Board Meeting Notes


Daniels Memorial Healthcare Center held its regular Board of Directors meeting, June 24, 2024 at 6 p.m. in the Hospital conference room.

The minutes in part include: Members Present: Jack Pittenger, Cliff Hames, Chase Thompson, Janitzia Nelson, Arlene Kegley, Tanner Trower, Kody Brinton, Jennifer Marsh, Kim Wangerin, Pat McConnell TEAMS, Wendy Dahl, Guest Kristen Betzner USDA Rural Development Jack Pittenger called the meeting to order.

MDT’s Title VI Plan Approval - Kody presented on behalf of Bridget Norby, Daniels County Transportation Manager - DC Transportation is funded by the Federal Transit Administration and the hospital is designated fiduciary agent for this program. State guidelines require in addition to the rates posted, nondiscrimination disclosure, how to file a complaint, and language assistance. This will reside in each vehicle next to the rate schedule. The state requires Board of Directors to approve.

Building Committee - Tanner Trower provided updated information. The PAR

was submitted to USDA with updated financials. Working on guaranteed portion of the loan of around $4 million.

Independence Bank is looking at this. DMHC is looking to HJ Sims for construction loan until USDA takes over.

Independence Bank needs another week before final decision is made. FSA approval for land still pending at this time. Documents must be to USDA by end of July.

August 10 is deadline to send to the national office. Important to hit all upcoming deadlines. USDA has 30 days to review once all documents have been submitted. Kristen Betzner from USDA Rural Development was present at the meeting to assist with any questions and provide additional information.

Strategy Committee Update and 3-YR Strategic Plan - Jack Pittenger reported the admin...