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Hometown Hardware Is Changing Hands

Hometown  Hardware Is  Changing Hands
HOMETOWN HARDWARE changes hands next week, January 1 from Eric and Kori Linder to Gayle and Scott Fishell (see news story and Linder’s message elsewhere this issue). —Leader Photo, b
Hometown  Hardware Is  Changing Hands
HOMETOWN HARDWARE changes hands next week, January 1 from Eric and Kori Linder to Gayle and Scott Fishell (see news story and Linder’s message elsewhere this issue). —Leader Photo, b

It’s signed, sealed and delivered. Eric and Kori Linder turn over the keys to Hometown Hardware in Scobey to Scott and Gayle Fishell, January 1.

Linder’s have owned the hardware store for eleven years to the day - since January 1, 2014. “We were on a ten year plan with the store.” Eric said, “We completed it in eleven!”

The store is still kind of in the family . . . Kori and Scott are brother and sister.

Scott and Gayle have purchased the busin...