SENIOR LISTENING - On Medicare: What Options for Dental, Vision, Hearing?
Lisa Baxter, Aging Service Specialist
There are a few standalone dental vision and hearing plans, however, before purchasing you should know if they are network plans or indemnity plans.
Provider designations and what they mean: A Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) has a set network of service providers who provide services at a negotiated discounted price. Customers covered by a PPO plan can select their own provider, however, it must be one in the list of preferred providers. Customers usually pay more money to use an out-of-network provider, the copay varies from PPO to PPO so you should research options prior to purchasing coverage.
If you utilize a PPO insurance plan, the provider files the claims with the insurance company. You would pay the provider your copay for the services. Though benefits for PPO insurance plans vary, most cover preventative services and many offer coverage for basic and major services as well.
Indemnity Plans (Fee for Service Plans) allow customers to receive services from any provider. There is no network requirement. Customers are reimbursed a set amount for each covered service. Each service will have its own preset coverage and anything above that amount is the customer’s responsibility. Indemnity plans usually cost more; however, they can be...